What is balance of payments? Explain its major components. Why is it useful to compute a country’s balance of payments?

2 The Balance of Capital, where the purchases and sales of assets are recorded; Represents the capital movements of the economy. Includes the transfer of ownership transactions, including the creation and settlement of credit instruments, assets and liabilities.

  • Direct investment: its object is to acquire permanent and effective participation in the management of a company operated in an economy that is not the investor’s economy.
  • Portfolio Investment: includes long-term bonds, and shares and other equity capital not included in the categories of direct investment and reserves.
  • Long-term bonds: includes bonds and obligations with a maturity of more than one year. The holder has the unconditional right to a fixed monetary income and is generally issued and traded on organized markets.
  • Shares and other equity interests; includes titles and documents; the participation in the social patrimony is generally represented by shares, participations or analogous documents.
  • Other Capital: are capital transactions not included in direct investment, investment portfolio or reserve.
  • Reservations: Monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserve position and use of IMF credit are included. Reservations are classified as:
    Monetary gold: the gold held by the authorities as a financial asset.

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4 Responses

  1. 2018

    […] What is balance of payments? Explain its major components. Why is it useful to compute a country’s… IGNOUASSIGNMENTGURU The currency that is on the gold standard could be exchanged for an equal amount of gold at any time since the currency is essentially a promissory note for the precious metal. Defenders of the gold standard say that it gives real value to the currency instead of the imaginary value of the current currency. Detractors say that the gold standard is too rigid and restricts economic policy in times of financial instability. […]

  2. 2018


  3. 2018


  4. 2018


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