Write a detailed note on the different stages of Canadian history from the First settlers to the present age?

It is a land with such innovations as the architecture of the Inuit Igloo, birch Ewood canoe, the device of a toggle head on an Inuit seal harpoon. Scholars have identified at least fifty cultures and twelve languages among the first peoples of Canada. The types of societies of these Amerindians (a term used to group together all the tribal societies across North America) in the sixteenth century were varied, as the Athapaskan tribes of the Arctic region were egalitarian, while some of the tribes on the west coast were stratified and slave owning. Though these societies were diverse, they, however, shared some common features. Spirituality and an understanding of the natural world and environment are two such features.

Unlike the Judaeo – Christian view in which man, made in the likeness of God, is destined to dominate the world. Native people believe that divinity resides within all living creatures and man has no superior claim to this. The Europeans could, not comprehend this all-encompassing spirituality, a common feature of all the Amerindian religious and beliefs, at the same of contact between the two.

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