Critically examine the various provisions made in the Constitution of India for bringing qualitative changes in educational scenario of the country.

Articles 29 and 30 make provisions for protection of natural and religious interests of minorities. All minorities based on religion or language will have the right to set up and administer institutions in their own interest and the government while giving aid to educational institutions shall not discriminate. against any institution 011 1l1c basis of its being set up and administered by a particular religious or linguistic minority (Article 30-2). Similarly, any educational institution receiving aid from the government shall not have the right to deny admission to any person on the basis of religion, caste, race, language or any of them (Article 29-2). These two articles very clearly state that the government shall not impose any language of its own choice on any minority, that the minority status of any group will be determined by its population in the state and that every institution receiving aid out of state funds will have to secure the interests of minorities.

However, according to article 28. no religious instruction shall be imparted in a state run educational institution. At the same time according to article 28 (2), ally institution maintained by a trust or religious body can impart religious education, even though such all institution may be aided by the government. But in such an educational institution, children cannot be forced to imbibe such religious education, which may be different from their own faith, unless of course. their parents permit.

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