Attempt a critical summary of the novel A Grain of Wheat

Here then is Ngugi’s portrayal of a traumatic phase in the history of Kenya–the so-called Mau Mau–a phase in which sections of a highly complex society comprising of people belonging to various African tribes, white settlers and Indians acted and reacted to events of violence in a highly emotionally surcharged and often contradictory manner.

However, the novel is not as has been stated by both Ochola -Ojero, and David Cook (1983:69) about the theme of betrayal alone, in which 911 are guilty’. While it may be true that most major characters have-during some stage of their respective lives – acted in a manner that may be contrary to the behaviour expected from them at that time–Mugo betrays Kihika, Gikanyo confesses the oath and Mumbi sleeps with Karanja–it cannot be held against them as ‘betrayal’, particularly of the cause in question, namely, the freedom struggle. Mugo, for instance, redeemed himself much before his final confession when at Rira detention camp, he is singled out by Thompson for severe beatings:

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