Eliot – Poetry is an escape from Personality

The thesis proposes that the poem The Wasteland is the painful expression of the collapse of a epoch and the synthesis of the collapse of women; that T.S. Eliot, relying on the investment of the legends of the Grail, he managed to merge with his own personal tragedy. The poem would be the evidence of the sterility and failure of love between a man and a woman, set poetically having at the base a very rich symbolism about infertility, emptiness and death; in which sex, by its radical generative and loving function, occupies a place eminent though not exclusive.
Thus, the thesis proposes that the poem is structured as a journey of liberation, where the multiple and unique female voices, which ultimately are one and the same woman, possess attributes that exceed the poem’s general sterility and rather identify it with the root of desolation. Hence, the poet tries to free himself.
The thesis concludes that the poem, whose substance sees and is in the character Tiresias, it also expresses the consciousness of the poet at that time; which, having recognized the tragedy and pain due to the passionate love, the possibility of restraining sexual desire and / or overcome the impotence does not go through a natural alternative or mere voluntarism, but by a spiritual path; question that, finally, the poem also contains and expresses.

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  1. 2017

    […] Previous story Eliot – Poetry is an escape from Personality […]

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