Why are European influences to be seen in major Australian writers?

As in much of the rest of the English speaking world, in Australia the first half of the twentieth century saw the genre of poetry being more popular and the second half saw the novel rising to prominence. A.D. Hope and Judith Wright are the canonical figures of Australian poetry during its heyday. Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize laureate, is probably the best knowN and most taught of Australia’s novelists. Their writing began to move away from both a purely derivative imitation of European forms as well as a focus on the people MEG and mores of the Rush. Modem Australia, of the cities began to figure more distinctly in their writing.

As the face of the Australian nation began to change, its literature began to reflect that change. Writers like Kath Walker, Mudrooroo, Kevin Gilbert and Sally Morgan have brought the poetry, drama and stories of the Aboriginal peoples to the forefront. There has also been a trend towards autobiographies, biographies and life-stories gaining more and more popularity. The multiculturalism that is being promoted at a political level is being reflected in the diverse voices being heard in the realm of Australian literature. Today there are more women, Aborigines, irmigrants whose voices join the exciting confluence that is Australian literature.

Why are European influences to be seen in major Australian writers? 

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  1. Manish says:


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