DOWNLOAD HERE IGNOU BEGS-183 ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 AND ALSO check out IGNOU BEGS-183 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 GUIDELINES.  यहाँ BEGS-183 ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 डाउनलोड करें और इसके अलावा IGNOU BEGS-183 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 की GUIDELINES भी देखें ।

Assignments FOR JULY 2022 AND JAN 2023 ADMISSION


Assignment Submission: Students are advised to submit the IGNOU BEGS-183 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 as per the specified schedule. The assignments must be submitted in soft copy/PDF format through the designated portal or email, as instructed by the university.

Guidelines for Preparing IGNOU BEGS-183 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23: While preparing the IGNOU BEGS-183 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23, students must adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Formation of New Words through Affixation and Compounding:
    • Affixation: It is the process of forming new words by adding prefixes (before the root) or suffixes (after the root) to a base word. Prefixes change the meaning or create opposites, while suffixes alter the word’s function or meaning. For example:
      • Unhappiness: “Un-” is the prefix, which changes “happy” to its opposite meaning.
      • Singer: “-er” is the suffix, which changes “sing” (the verb) to “singer” (the person who performs the action).
    • Compounding: This involves combining two or more words to create a new word with a unique meaning. The words can be nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. Examples include:
      • Toothpaste: Combining “tooth” and “paste” creates a new product.
      • Rainbow: Combining “rain” and “bow” to represent a colorful natural phenomenon.

  2. Process Approach to Writing: The process approach to writing focuses on teaching writing as a gradual and recursive process rather than a linear one. It involves several steps:
    • Pre-writing: Brainstorming, gathering ideas, outlining, and identifying the purpose and audience of the writing.
    • Drafting: Writing the initial version, focusing on getting ideas down without worrying about perfection.
    • Revision: Reviewing and reorganizing content, improving clarity, coherence, and adding or deleting information as needed.
    • Editing: Correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors to improve the language’s accuracy.
    • Publishing: Sharing the final polished piece with the intended audience.

  3. Using Diagrams to Organize Notes: Diagrams can help visually represent information and enhance note organization. Examples include:
    • Mind Maps: A central idea with branches connecting related concepts and supporting details.
    • Flowcharts: Showing the sequence of steps or processes, allowing easy understanding of the order of events.
    • Venn Diagrams: Overlapping circles used to compare and contrast information.
    • Hierarchy Charts: Demonstrating the organization of ideas in a hierarchical manner, such as in outlining.

  4. Aspects to Consider in Process Analysis Writing:
    • Clarity: Ensure the steps are presented in a logical and understandable sequence.
    • Detail: Include enough information for readers to follow the process effectively.
    • Transitions: Use cohesive devices to indicate the order of steps and maintain coherence.
    • Audience: Consider the knowledge level of the readers and adjust the language and complexity accordingly.
    • Illustrations: If applicable, include visual aids or diagrams to complement the text.

  5. Cohesive Devices for Paragraph Coherence: Cohesive devices help link sentences together, ensuring smooth flow and coherence in a paragraph:
    • Pronouns: Using pronouns like “it,” “they,” or “this” to refer back to previously mentioned nouns.
    • Conjunctions: Words like “and,” “but,” “however,” “because” connect ideas and show relationships between sentences.
    • Transitional Phrases: Using phrases like “in addition,” “on the other hand,” “furthermore” to indicate connections between sentences.
    • Repetition: Repeating key terms or phrases to reinforce the central theme or idea.

Example: (Using cohesive devices) “To prepare a delicious pasta dish, first, gather all the ingredients. Chop the vegetables into small pieces. Then, boil the pasta until it’s al dente. After draining the water, heat some olive oil in a pan. Next, sauté the vegetables until they’re tender. In addition to that, add your favorite sauce and let it simmer. Lastly, mix the sauce with the pasta, and there you have it, a mouthwatering pasta dish!”

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