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Assignments FOR JULY 2022 AND JAN 2023 ADMISSION


ASSIGNMENT IGNOU BPAC-101 Solved Assignment 2022-23 
SERVICE TYPE Solved Assignment (Soft Copy/PDF)
Programme: BPAC-101/2022-23
Course Code BPAC-101
SESSION July 2022- January 2023
SUBMISSION DATE For July 2022 Session: 31st March 2023

For January 2023 Session: 30th September 2023

Below are the details of the IGNOU BPAC-101 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23:

  • Program: BPAC-101 (Bachelor of Arts – BA)
  • Course Code: BPAC-101
  • Session: July 2023 – January 2024
  • Submission Dates:
    • Assignment 2023-24: Last date for submission – 30th April 
    • Assignment 2023-24: Last date for submission – 30th October 

Assignment Submission: Students are advised to submit the IGNOU BPAC-101 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 as per the specified schedule. The assignments must be submitted in soft copy/PDF format through the designated portal or email, as instructed by the university.

Guidelines for Preparing IGNOU BPAC-101 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23: While preparing the IGNOU BPAC-101 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23, students must adhere to the following guidelines:


(i) The white man, disguised as a falcon, swoops in and yet again steals a salmon from Crow’s talon: In

Answer the following in about 500 words each.
1. Discuss the various models of Decision Making.
Various Models of Decision Making

Decision making is a fundamental cognitive process that individuals and organizations engage in regularly. Over the years, researchers have developed various models of decision making to understand and explain how decisions are made. These models provide frameworks for analyzing the factors that influence decisions and the steps taken to arrive at a choice. Here, we’ll discuss three prominent models of decision making: the Rational Model, the Bounded Rationality Model, and the Intuitive Model.

1. Rational Model: The Rational Model, also known as the classical or normative model, assumes that decision makers are rational, objective, and make choices that maximize their utility. It is based on the premise that decision makers have complete information about all alternatives, understand the consequences of each alternative, and can rank these alternatives based on their preferences. This model follows a systematic approach where decision makers identify the problem, gather information, generate alternative solutions, evaluate the alternatives, and choose the one with the highest expected utility.

However, in reality, complete information and perfect rationality are often unrealistic assumptions. Real-world decisions are often complex, involving uncertainty and incomplete information. This led to the development of alternative models that account for these limitations.

2. Bounded Rationality Model: Herbert Simon introduced the Bounded Rationality Model as a more realistic representation of decision making. This model recognizes that individuals have limited cognitive abilities and resources to process all available information and alternatives. Decision makers satisfice, which means they choose the first acceptable alternative rather than trying to find the optimal solution. They aim to make decisions that are “good enough” given their constraints.

In the Bounded Rationality Model, decision makers simplify complex problems by breaking them into smaller, more manageable parts. They rely on heuristics, which are mental shortcuts or rules of thumb, to quickly arrive at decisions. While these heuristics can be efficient, they can also lead to biases and errors. Despite its limitations, the Bounded Rationality Model provides a more accurate portrayal of decision making in situations with limited time and resources.

3. Intuitive Model: The Intuitive Model suggests that experienced decision makers often rely on their intuition and gut feelings to make quick and effective decisions. Intuition is the ability to recognize patterns, draw on past experiences, and make decisions without consciously analyzing all the available information. This model is particularly relevant in situations where decisions need to be made rapidly or where information is ambiguous.

Intuitive decision making is informed by expertise and deep knowledge in a specific domain. Experts often develop a “feel” for situations and can quickly identify important cues that guide their choices. However, intuition is not infallible and can be influenced by biases and emotions.

In conclusion, decision making is a multifaceted process influenced by a variety of factors. The Rational Model assumes ideal conditions but often falls short in explaining real-world decisions. The Bounded Rationality Model acknowledges the limitations of human cognition and offers a more realistic perspective. The Intuitive Model highlights the role of expertise and intuition in decision making. Each model contributes to our understanding of decision making in different contexts, and their interplay can vary depending on the complexity of the decision, the available information, and the individual’s cognitive abilities.

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