IGNOU BPCG-172 is a course under the Bachelor of Arts (BA) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This course focuses on “Understanding B.R. Ambedkar”. To successfully complete the course and be eligible to appear for the exams in June 2024, students are required to submit the IGNOU BPCG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2023-24 for the academic year 2023-24.

Assignments FOR JULY 2023 AND JAN 2024 ADMISSION




Below are the details of the IGNOU BPCG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2023-24:

  • Program: BPCG-172 (Bachelor of Arts – BA)
  • Course Code: BPCG-172
  • Session: July 2023 – January 2024
  • Submission Dates:
    • Assignment 2023-24: Last date for submission – 30th April 2024
    • Assignment 2023-24: Last date for submission – 30th October 2024

Assignment Submission: Students are advised to submit the IGNOU BPCG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2023-24 as per the specified schedule. The assignments must be submitted in soft copy/PDF format through the designated portal or email, as instructed by the university.

Guidelines for Preparing IGNOU BPCG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2023-24: While preparing the IGNOU BPCG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2023-24, students must adhere to the following guidelines:


1. Define Identity and Discuss Theories of Identity

Definition of Identity: Identity refers to the set of characteristics, beliefs, values, and behaviors that define an individual or a group and differentiate them from others. It is a multifaceted concept that is shaped by various factors, including cultural, social, psychological, and biological influences. Identity plays a significant role in shaping how individuals perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others.

Theories of Identity: Numerous theories have been proposed to understand the development and nature of identity. Some prominent ones include:

a. Psychosocial Identity Theory (Erik Erikson): Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development posits that individuals go through eight stages of development, each marked by a specific crisis or conflict. Successful resolution of these crises contributes to the development of a healthy identity. The most critical stage related to identity formation is the fifth stage, occurring during adolescence, where the individual must resolve the conflict between identity vs. role confusion. A successful resolution leads to a clear and stable sense of self.

b. Social Identity Theory (Henri Tajfel and John Turner): Social identity theory focuses on how individuals develop a sense of belonging and self-concept based on their group memberships. According to this theory, people categorize themselves into social groups (e.g., gender, race, nationality), and their identity becomes intertwined with the identity of the group. This can lead to in-group favoritism and intergroup conflicts.

c. Identity Status Theory (James Marcia): James Marcia proposed a model based on Erikson’s theory to describe identity development in adolescence. According to Marcia, individuals can fall into four identity statuses: identity diffusion (no exploration, no commitment), identity foreclosure (commitment without exploration), identity moratorium (exploration without commitment), and identity achievement (exploration followed by commitment). The process of identity formation involves moving through these statuses to achieve a stable identity.

d. Cognitive Development Theory (Jean Piaget): Piaget’s theory suggests that identity development is related to cognitive development. As children grow and develop their thinking abilities, they acquire a sense of self and begin to differentiate themselves from others. This process of self-concept formation continues through adolescence and adulthood.

e. Intersectionality Theory (Kimberlé Crenshaw): Intersectionality theory highlights the interconnected nature of multiple social identities, such as race, gender, class, and sexuality. It acknowledges that individuals experience unique forms of discrimination and privilege based on the intersections of their various identities. This theory emphasizes the complexity of identity and the need to consider multiple dimensions when analyzing an individual’s experiences.

In summary, identity is a dynamic and complex construct that involves various theories to explain its formation and development. These theories provide valuable insights into the factors influencing identity and how it shapes individuals and societies.

2. Gender Socialization and Changing Gender Roles

Gender Socialization: Gender socialization is the process through which individuals learn and internalize the societal norms, expectations, and roles associated with their assigned gender. It begins early in life and occurs through various agents of socialization, such as family, media, peers, and education. This process shapes an individual’s understanding of what it means to be masculine or feminine, influencing their behavior, attitudes, and beliefs about gender.

Changing Gender Roles: Over the past few decades, there have been significant changes in gender roles as societies move toward greater gender equality. Traditional gender roles have been characterized by rigid expectations, such as men being the breadwinners and women being caregivers. However, these roles have evolved, and there is now more recognition of the importance of diverse and inclusive gender roles.

Examples of Changing Gender Roles in Family and Surroundings:

  1. Equal Sharing of Parenting Responsibilities: In my family, my parents have embraced changing gender roles by sharing parenting responsibilities equally. In the past, the responsibility of childcare and domestic tasks was often considered the mother’s role, but my father actively participates in caring for us and taking care of household duties. This reflects a shift away from the traditional notion of fathers being distant or uninvolved caregivers.
  2. Women in Leadership Positions: In my surrounding community and workplace, I have noticed more women occupying leadership positions. In the past, women were often excluded from high-level decision-making roles, but now there is a growing recognition of their capabilities and competence. This shift challenges the stereotype that leadership roles are inherently masculine and showcases the value of diverse perspectives in leadership.

Overall, changing gender roles reflect a growing awareness of the importance of equality and inclusivity. As societies continue to progress, it is essential to challenge and break free from limiting gender stereotypes to create a more equal and just world for everyone.

  1. Socio-cultural factors that influence aggressive behavior:

Aggressive behavior is a complex phenomenon that can be influenced by various socio-cultural factors. These factors shape individuals’ attitudes, values, and behaviors, impacting how they respond to conflicts and frustrations. Some key socio-cultural influences on aggressive behavior include:

  1. Cultural norms and values: Different cultures may have varying attitudes towards aggression. In some societies, aggressive behavior may be seen as a sign of strength or a necessary response to challenging situations, while in others, it may be frowned upon and discouraged. Cultural norms shape how individuals perceive and express aggression.
  2. Socialization and upbringing: Early childhood experiences and the way children are raised play a crucial role in shaping their aggressive tendencies. Parenting styles, family dynamics, and exposure to violence or aggression within the family can significantly impact a child’s behavioral development.
  3. Media and entertainment: The portrayal of aggression in movies, TV shows, video games, and other media can influence how individuals perceive and imitate aggressive behaviors. Repeated exposure to violent content may desensitize individuals and lead to more aggressive responses.
  4. Peer influence: Friends and peers can have a significant impact on an individual’s behavior. Peer groups that encourage aggressive behavior or normalize violence can contribute to the development of aggressive tendencies in individuals.
  5. Economic factors: Socioeconomic status can also influence aggressive behavior. Individuals facing economic hardships and limited resources may experience higher levels of frustration and stress, which can manifest in aggressive reactions.
  6. Gender roles and expectations: Societal expectations related to gender can influence the expression of aggression. In some cultures, aggression may be more socially acceptable for males, while females may be encouraged to express their emotions differently.

4The concept of youth in terms of socio-cultural, economic, and legal aspects:

The concept of youth refers to the period in an individual’s life between childhood and adulthood when they undergo significant physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. This transitional phase is influenced by various socio-cultural, economic, and legal factors that shape young people’s experiences:

Socio-cultural aspects: Different cultures have distinct views on youth and the expectations placed upon young individuals. Social norms, values, and traditions influence the roles assigned to young people within their families and communities. For example, some cultures may emphasize obedience and respect for elders, while others may encourage individuality and independence. Cultural attitudes towards education, work, and marriage can also impact the choices and opportunities available to youth.

Economic aspects: Economic conditions play a crucial role in shaping the experiences of young people. Youth living in economically disadvantaged areas may face limited access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities, which can hinder their personal development and future prospects. Economic stability or instability can also affect the transition to adulthood, as financial constraints may delay marriage or starting a family.

Legal aspects: Legal frameworks define the rights and responsibilities of youth within a society. Laws related to minimum age for employment, voting, driving, and legal adulthood vary across countries and can impact the autonomy and decision-making capacity of young individuals. Legal protections for minors, such as child labor laws and age of consent, are designed to safeguard their well-being.

The concept of youth is dynamic and varies across cultures and historical periods. Understanding the socio-cultural, economic, and legal aspects of youth is essential for creating supportive environments that facilitate positive youth development and the transition to adulthood.

  1. The Family model of interdependence:

The Family model of interdependence is a socio-cultural framework that emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of family members within a specific cultural context. It highlights the idea that family relationships are not solely based on individual autonomy but are deeply influenced by the collective well-being of the family unit. This model is often in contrast to more individualistic cultural perspectives that prioritize personal autonomy and independence.

Key features of the Family model of interdependence include:

  1. Collective identity: In interdependent family cultures, the collective identity of the family takes precedence over individual identities. Family members may prioritize the needs and interests of the family group over their personal desires.
  2. Emotional bonds: Interdependent family cultures place a strong emphasis on emotional closeness and support among family members. Maintaining harmonious relationships and avoiding conflict are often considered vital for the family’s well-being.
  3. Obligations and duties: Family members in interdependent cultures may have specific roles, duties, and obligations within the family structure. These responsibilities are often influenced by age, gender, and generational hierarchies.
  4. Decision-making: Family decisions are often made collectively, with input from multiple family members. Major life choices, such as education, career, and marriage, may involve consultation and approval from the extended family.
  5. Family reputation: Actions and behaviors of individual family members can reflect upon the reputation and social standing of the entire family. This societal scrutiny can influence individuals to conform to cultural norms and expectations.

The Family model of interdependence is prevalent in many Asian, African, and Latin American cultures, where the family unit is considered the cornerstone of social organization. However, with globalization and changing cultural dynamics, some societies may experience a shift towards more individualistic values, leading to potential challenges in maintaining the traditional interdependent family structure.


6. Social learning theories of aggression:
Social learning theories of aggression propose that aggressive behavior is primarily learned through observation and imitation of others, rather than being solely determined by innate instincts or drives. According to Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, individuals can acquire aggressive responses by observing aggressive models in their environment, such as family members, peers, or media figures. Bandura also emphasized the role of reinforcement and punishment in shaping aggressive behavior.

These theories highlight the significance of social factors in the development of aggression. Children who witness aggressive behavior are more likely to replicate it if they perceive the behavior as rewarding or justified. Conversely, if they observe negative consequences for aggression, they are less likely to engage in aggressive acts.

Understanding social learning theories of aggression is essential for designing effective interventions to reduce aggressive behavior. By promoting positive role models and encouraging prosocial behavior, we can help mitigate the negative impact of aggressive models on individuals’ behavior.

7. Youth as a demographic dividend:
Youth as a demographic dividend refers to the potential economic and social benefits that a country can gain when it has a relatively large and youthful population. This concept arises from the idea that if the youth population is well-educated, healthy, and gainfully employed, they can become a productive workforce and contribute significantly to the nation’s development.

To harness the demographic dividend, countries must invest in education, healthcare, and employment opportunities for the youth. When the youth are equipped with skills and knowledge, they are more likely to be productive and innovative, driving economic growth and improving the overall standard of living.

However, for the demographic dividend to be realized, certain conditions need to be met. These include the availability of quality education, access to family planning and reproductive health services to control population growth, and the creation of adequate employment opportunities. Failure to invest in youth development could result in a youth bulge, which may lead to unemployment, social unrest, and missed opportunities for economic growth.

8. Healthy sexuality:
Healthy sexuality refers to a positive and respectful approach to sexual relationships and behaviors. It involves understanding and accepting one’s sexuality and the sexuality of others, practicing consensual and safe sexual activities, and having access to information and resources related to sexual health and reproductive rights.

Key components of healthy sexuality include communication, mutual consent, respect for boundaries, and protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. It also involves being informed about reproductive health, contraceptives, and regular check-ups.

Promoting healthy sexuality is essential to ensure individuals have fulfilling and safe sexual lives. Comprehensive sexual education, access to healthcare, and open discussions about sexuality and relationships play crucial roles in supporting healthy sexuality. By fostering an environment that promotes open dialogue and reduces stigmatization around sexuality, we can encourage people to make informed choices and engage in consensual, pleasurable, and safe sexual experiences.

9. Triangular theory of love:
The triangular theory of love was proposed by psychologist Robert Sternberg and suggests that love consists of three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. These components form the vertices of a triangle, and the nature of a romantic relationship is determined by the various combinations of these elements.

Intimacy refers to the emotional closeness, trust, and connection between partners. Passion represents the physical and emotional attraction, desire, and excitement in a relationship. Commitment involves the decision to stay in the relationship and work towards its maintenance and longevity.

Different combinations of these components give rise to various types of love. For example, when intimacy and passion are present, but commitment is lacking, it results in romantic love or infatuation. Consummate love, on the other hand, encompasses all three components—intimacy, passion, and commitment—representing the ideal form of love that many strive for in long-term relationships.

The triangular theory of love provides a useful framework for understanding the complexities of romantic relationships and how they evolve over time. It also helps individuals assess their own relationships and identify areas for growth and improvement.

10. Developmental tasks of adolescence:
Developmental tasks of adolescence are the psychological and social challenges that young people must navigate as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Erik Erikson, a prominent developmental psychologist, identified the primary task of adolescence as establishing a sense of identity while also developing a strong sense of independence.

Other critical developmental tasks include forming healthy relationships and friendships, developing autonomy from parents, gaining a sense of purpose and direction for the future, and acquiring a set of values and beliefs to guide their behavior.

During adolescence, individuals also experience significant physical and hormonal changes, which can influence emotional and cognitive development. Managing these changes and understanding their own identities can be challenging for adolescents, and they often seek social support from peers while still relying on guidance from parents or other trusted adults.

Successfully accomplishing these developmental tasks contributes to positive youth development and sets the foundation for well-adjusted and successful adulthood. However, the challenges of adolescence can vary widely depending on cultural, social, and individual factors, and it’s essential to provide adequate support and resources to help young people navigate this crucial stage of life.

Download IGNOU BPCG-172 Study Material: To assist in the preparation of the IGNOU BPCG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2023-24, students can access the study material provided by IGNOU. The study material offers valuable insights, references, and examples related to the course topics.

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