1. Justice as a Term of Synthesis: The idea of justice as a term of synthesis is closely associated with the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. In his work “Phenomenology of Spirit,” Hegel presents the notion of justice as a dynamic and evolving concept that emerges through a dialectical process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.

According to Hegel, the development of justice is not a fixed or static notion, but rather a continuous process of reconciling conflicting ideas and social relations. It involves the interplay between opposing forces or viewpoints, leading to the creation of a higher and more comprehensive understanding of justice.

Hegel’s dialectical method follows these steps:

a. Thesis: The starting point or the existing social order and prevailing notions of justice are identified as the thesis.

b. Antithesis: Conflicts and contradictions within the thesis emerge, leading to opposing viewpoints and challenges to the established order.

c. Synthesis: Through a process of dialectical tension and negotiation between the thesis and antithesis, a new and more evolved concept of justice emerges. This synthesis represents a higher level of understanding and incorporates the positive elements of both the thesis and antithesis while transcending their limitations.

Hegel’s concept of justice as a term of synthesis implies that societal progress and the evolution of justice occur through an ongoing and dialectical process, where contradictions and conflicts play a crucial role in shaping a more just and inclusive society. It acknowledges that justice is not a static ideal but a constantly evolving and complex phenomenon shaped by historical, cultural, and social factors.

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