Comment briefly on the attitude of the puritans to literature in the nineteenth century

Comment briefly on the attitude of the puritans to literature in the 19th century.

In short, some accepted the challenge of the revolution and were willing to manage it by defending it from anarchy and reaction, while others did not finish accepting it and were willing to liquidate it if necessary. The new postrevolutionary liberalism that came from the hand of the romantic generation, was grouped around Istúriz with a double purpose: to teach the Revolution to become institutionalized and to try to teach Power to set limits and rules. Or said in the magnificent romantic words of one of its most significant representatives, Nicomedes Pastor Diaz: “… from the bloodstained sands of the revolution had to pass to the peaceful fields of institutions, to ensure that society does not make war on power and that power does not absorb and disturb society is a chimera for the powers that do not recognize limits or rules, for the supporters hallucinated by the revolutionary or reactionary fever, for all those who remain stubbornly clinging to their own conceptions without understanding that all systems are false and insufficient, power and society can only live in respect of institutions and observance of laws. ”
The idea of ​​”freedom under the law” was still a chimera in Spain. In 1836 the progressives, grouped around Mendizabal, were far from accepting the results of the polls and arguing a possible pact between moderates and Carlists were willing to break the framework of the Statute by the insurrectionary route. And so, on August 12, the famous Mutiny of the Farm broke out, forcing the regent Dona Maria Cristina to sign a decree restoring the Constitution of 1812. Those events meant the definitive rupture of the great Spanish liberal party and the irruption of dirty play between his two families: moderate and exalted.

The centrist ideas of the new Romantic generation had been imposed in the moral and political direction of the minds, and could no longer be governed by the abstract principles of 1812, as the progressives wanted, nor with the restrictive principles of the Royal Statute as the moderates wanted. . It was necessary to find a basic consensus among the liberals to face the Carlist war and, above all, the construction of the State and the administration. The result was the Constitution of 1837 that designed a regime of “shared sovereignty”, a constitutional and parliamentary system perfectly comparable with the most advanced that at that time could be found in Europe. The progressives coincided at that time with what was advocated by the centrists of Istúriz in the aborted Cortes of 1836: the constitutional text recognized “popular sovereignty”, included a declaration of individual rights, established freedom of the press, religious tolerance, power judicial and the national militia as the progressives wanted, but it also included moderate principles such as the bicameral system, the veto of the monarch and the right of dissolution. It was thus, the first Constitution clearly agreed by the two main Spanish parties.

Afflluence Writing Service
Contribution of Raymond Williams to Cultural Studies
Comment briefly on the attitude of the puritans to literature in the 19th century.


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