Discuss the significant features of Robert Frost’s poetry? Answer with special reference to ‘Mending Wall’ and ‘Birches’.

her matter of-fact about the ice-storm/ I should prefer to have some boy bend them” (L21-23) or “I don’t know where it’s likely to go better” (L53) or the last line “One could do worse than be a swinger of birches” (L59). One gets a strong sense of the speaker and with the repetition of the word “you,” the reader is also invited into the world of the poem and made to feel comfortable there. The atmosphere of the poem becomes confidential and intimate.

Summary –

Robert Frost is the quintessential New England poet. HIS poems are spare. He has a
close affinity with nature and his poems are meditative–qualities he shares with the Romantic poet Wordsworth. Often, ordinary natural objects suggest something
greater in his poems. He plays around with metre in order to capture the easy
rhythms of the speaking voice. His poems flow very smoothly, like a good

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