DOWNLOAD HERE IGNOU BPYG-172 ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 AND ALSO check out IGNOU BPYG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 GUIDELINES.  यहाँ BPYG-172 ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 डाउनलोड करें और इसके अलावा IGNOU BPYG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 की GUIDELINES भी देखें ।



Below are the details of the IGNOU BPYG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23:

  • Program: BPYG-172 (Bachelor of Arts – BA)
  • Course Code: BPYG-172
  • Session: July 2023 – January 2024
  • Submission Dates:
    • Assignment 2023-24: Last date for submission – 30th April 
    • Assignment 2023-24: Last date for submission – 30th October 

Assignment Submission: Students are advised to submit the IGNOU BPYG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 as per the specified schedule. The assignments must be submitted in soft copy/PDF format through the designated portal or email, as instructed by the university.

Guidelines for Preparing IGNOU BPYG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23 : While preparing the IGNOU BPYG-172 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022-23, students must adhere to the following guidelines:


1 Sociological Theory of the Origin of Religion

The sociological theory of the origin of religion explores the ways in which religious beliefs and practices have emerged within human societies and how they have been influenced by social, cultural, and psychological factors. This theory provides valuable insights into the role of religion in shaping societies and the functions it serves within them. Prominent sociologists such as Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx have contributed to this understanding.

Emile Durkheim, a pioneering figure in sociology, proposed a functionalist perspective on the origin of religion. According to Durkheim, religion arises from the collective consciousness and shared values of a society. He argued that religious rituals and symbols serve to reinforce social cohesion and maintain social order. Durkheim’s concept of the “sacred” and the “profane” highlights the distinction between the things that are considered divine and those that are mundane. He believed that religious rituals create a sense of belonging and solidarity among members of a community, promoting a sense of togetherness and shared identity.

Max Weber, on the other hand, emphasized the role of individual psychological factors in the emergence of religion. He proposed that religious beliefs and practices could be influenced by factors such as personal experiences, emotional needs, and perceptions of the world. Weber introduced the concept of the “protestant work ethic,” suggesting that certain religious beliefs could impact economic behaviors and contribute to the development of capitalism.

Karl Marx, known for his focus on the influence of economics on society, regarded religion as a reflection of social and economic structures. Marx famously characterized religion as the “opium of the masses,” suggesting that it serves to pacify and distract the working class from the realities of their oppression. He believed that religion can be used by the ruling class to maintain their power and control over the proletariat.

In contemporary sociology, scholars have expanded on these foundational theories, considering additional factors such as globalization, urbanization, and cultural interactions. They explore how religious beliefs and practices adapt to changing social contexts and how religious institutions respond to challenges posed by modernity. Additionally, they investigate the relationship between religion and various social issues, such as inequality, gender roles, and political dynamics.

In conclusion, the sociological theory of the origin of religion provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the complex interplay between religion and society. It highlights how religious beliefs and practices emerge from and contribute to social structures, norms, and values. Whether through Durkheim’s emphasis on social cohesion, Weber’s exploration of individual psychology, or Marx’s analysis of economic and power dynamics, this theory offers valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of religion’s role in shaping human societies.


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