Write a note on the Urban-Social Realism that forms the technique in The Tin Flute.

She imrnortalises the St. Henri district as Joyce had irnmortalised Dublin in Ulysses (1922). The main difference is that Roy does not use the stream of consciousness technique so favoured Joyce. She shares with by Joyce the trait of ‘naturalism’.

She differs from realists like Fielding and Dickens in that comic effects are not sought by her in the way they are sought by those two. She avoids caricature and maintains a certain kind of seriousness with regard to her materials. The element of ‘play’ is kept to a minimum or is virtually not there. In this respect also she differs from Joyce and postmodernist practioners of magic realism.

Write a note on the Urban-Social Realism that forms the technique in The Tin Flute.

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