What do you understand by the term aborigines? How is their point of view represented in Australian literature?

Most of the histories of Australia written in the past neglected the experience of Aboriginai peoples, women and members of other ethnic or racial minorities. They ignored the fact that the so-called ‘settler society’ was; in actuality the product of white invasion and dispossession (Davidson, 24). The Aborigines were not considered official citizens of Australia and their numbers were not even counted in official censuses. I1 was assumed that they were a part of the population that would soon be extinct or become fully assimilated into the white population. Selective Immigration policies sought to ensure that Asians would not be admitted into Australia or allowed to settle down there in substantial numbers. One of the early acts of the Australian colonial government was to introduce the ‘White Australia policy which controlled the right of settlement for Europeans only. This policy was supported by all the groups and parties within the political spectrum and reflected the predominantly white population profile they wished to maintain for the island-continent.

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