(ii) “…When my good father taught me to be good, Scarecrows he took for living flesh and blood. Thus, if he warned me not to spend but spare The moderate means I owe to his wise care, ‘Twas, “See the life that son of Albius leads!”

(ii) These lines are from Horace’s Satire 1.4. In this satire, the speaker addresses the lessons he learned from his father about leading a good and moderate life. The speaker’s father used scarecrows as examples of living beings to caution his son against excessive spending and wastefulness. If the father advised the son to save and be frugal, he would point to the scarecrows as examples of what could happen if one ignores such advice. The quote showcases the father’s use of humor and practical examples to teach valuable life lessons. It also reflects the speaker’s reminiscence about his father’s teachings and the influence they had on shaping his values and behaviors. The satire humorously underscores the father’s emphasis on moderation and prudent living, highlighting the didactic and comedic elements that characterize Horace’s satirical style.

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