3. “The language I speak” by Kamala Das:

In this excerpt from Kamala Das’s poem, the speaker reflects on the nature of language, identity, and cultural hybridity. The lines “The language I speak / Becomes mine, its distortions, its queerness / All mine, mine alone. It is half English, half / Indian, funny perhaps, but it is honest, / It is as human as I am human, don’t / You see?” convey a sense of ownership and pride in the speaker’s unique linguistic and cultural identity.

The speaker’s assertion that the language they speak becomes uniquely their own suggests a deeply personal and transformative relationship with language. The mention of “distortions” and “queerness” acknowledges the inevitable changes and adaptations that occur when languages and cultures intersect. These linguistic adaptations are not seen as flaws, but as integral aspects of the speaker’s identity.

The reference to the language being “half English, half Indian” reflects the speaker’s bicultural background, where they navigate between two linguistic and cultural worlds. The use of the term “funny” acknowledges that their language may be perceived as unconventional or amusing by others, but the speaker embraces this uniqueness as an authentic representation of their self.

The statement “It is as human as I am human” asserts the validity and humanity of the speaker’s linguistic identity. The speaker challenges any notion of linguistic purity or hierarchy, emphasizing that their language is a genuine expression of their thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

In the broader context of Kamala Das’s work, this excerpt encapsulates her exploration of identity, especially the complexities of being a bilingual writer in a multicultural society. The lines highlight the power of language to shape individual and collective identity, while also inviting readers to reflect on the richness and diversity that emerge when cultures and languages intermingle.


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