1. Urbanism is a term that refers to the study, design, and organization of urban areas, focusing on the physical, social, and cultural aspects of cities and towns. It encompasses the planning, development, and management of urban spaces to create functional and livable environments. Urbanism takes into account factors such as transportation, infrastructure, housing, public spaces, and the overall quality of life for urban inhabitants.

On the other hand, urbanization refers to the process of population movement from rural to urban areas, leading to the growth and expansion of cities. Urbanization is a demographic phenomenon, primarily driven by factors like industrialization, economic opportunities, and better access to services. It involves the increase in the proportion of the urban population compared to the rural population.

The key difference between urbanism and urbanization lies in their focus and scope. Urbanism deals with the deliberate planning and design of urban areas, emphasizing how cities can be developed to meet the needs of their inhabitants efficiently. It delves into the aesthetics, functionality, and social dynamics of urban spaces. Urbanization, on the other hand, is a broader process that describes the migration and concentration of people in urban centers, irrespective of their planning or organization.

In summary, urbanism is concerned with the intentional design and organization of urban areas, while urbanization refers to the demographic shift of people from rural to urban locations.

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