Section B:

Question 6: Analyse the local administration under the Cholas with special reference to ur, nadu, Brahmadeya, and Nagaram.

The Chola dynasty, known for its administrative efficiency, established a well-structured system of local governance that contributed to their long-lasting influence. The following elements were integral to their local administration:

  1. Ur: Ur referred to villages and formed the basic unit of administration. Village assemblies, known as sabhas, managed local affairs. The ur system ensured direct participation of villagers in decision-making.
  2. Nadu: Nadu was a larger territorial unit, often comprising several villages. It had an administrative officer called Naduvalan who was responsible for revenue collection, law enforcement, and maintenance of order.
  3. Brahmadeya: Brahmadeya referred to land assigned for religious purposes. The administration of these lands was under the control of temples and religious institutions, playing a crucial role in revenue generation.
  4. Nagaram: Nagaram referred to urban centers, which had their own set of administrators. These centers were crucial for trade and commerce, and their administration was tailored to accommodate the urban context.

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