7. a) Maulana Maududi’s Views on Nationalism:

Abul Ala Maududi, also known as Maulana Maududi, was a prominent Islamic scholar, theologian, and political thinker who had a significant impact on the development of Islamic thought and political ideology in the 20th century. His views on nationalism were shaped by his deep commitment to Islam and his concerns about the potential conflicts between nationalism and religious identity.

Maududi was critical of secular nationalism, which he believed could lead to the subordination of religious principles and values to the interests of the nation-state. He argued that Islam encompassed a comprehensive worldview that extended beyond mere geographical or ethnic boundaries. According to Maududi, nationalism often promoted a form of idolatry, where loyalty to the nation-state could overshadow one’s devotion to God and adherence to Islamic teachings.

Maududi’s rejection of nationalism was rooted in his belief in the sovereignty of Allah and the need for a unified Islamic community (ummah) that transcended national affiliations. He was concerned that nationalism could fragment the Muslim community and undermine the universal brotherhood promoted by Islam. He viewed the nation-state as a potential rival to the authority of Allah and Islam, and therefore advocated for the establishment of an Islamic state governed by Sharia (Islamic law).

Maududi’s alternative to secular nationalism was the concept of an Islamic state, where the principles of Islam would guide governance and public life. He believed that such a state would ensure the protection and propagation of Islamic values, fostering a society built on justice, equality, and moral integrity.

It’s important to note that Maududi’s views on nationalism were not universally accepted, and his ideas sparked debates within Islamic circles. While some criticized his rejection of nationalism as impractical in the modern world, others appreciated his emphasis on maintaining the integrity of Islamic principles in the face of global political changes.

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11 Responses

  1. Monika says:

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  2. naveen says:

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  3. Priyanka says:

    Thanku.. Very much

  4. Akhil B Quilon says:

    Ans of Q 3

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    pls check it to ur self

  5. Sheetal Chand says:

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  6. Smrity sharma says:

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  7. Varsha kumari says:

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