The novel the bluest eye deals with the colour problem in America.

Eleven-year-old girl, daughter of Charles “Cholly” Breedlove and Pauline Breedlove. He has an older brother named Sammy. Pecola’s greatest wish is to have blue eyes like those of white girls. Admiring the figure of Shirley Temple that appears in the cups in which breakfast is served, also of the sweet Mary Jones, whose wrappings presented a woman with a smiling white face, with blond hair in funny disorder and especially eyes blue

Charles “Cholly” Breedlove
Father of Pecola and Sammy, husband of Pauline. He is characterized by being an alcoholic, a frequent consumer of Wiski, his mother abandoned him when he was a baby throwing him in the trash, his aunt rescued him and raised him. His father fled upon learning that his mother was pregnant.

Nine-year-old girl, sister of Frieda, daughter of Mrs. Mac Teer. It presents a clear position of rejection in front of the beauty schemes imposed by the white society. He likes to destroy white dolls that are given to him at Christmas.
Sister of Claudia, daughter of Mrs. Mac Teer. He is eleven years old. Contrary to her sister Claudia, she admires the attributes of white girls, and somehow she feels appreciated when one of them, regardless of the circumstance, addresses her.
Mrs. Mac Teer.
Mother of Claudia and Frieda. Their behavior with girls is apathetic, their relationship usually becomes distant. He feels some consideration for Pecola and his family situation. That feeling has a look of pity, which, however, is not reflected with total clarity.
Mr. Henry Washington.
He is an elderly man who lives in a tenant’s house at Mrs. Mac Teer’s house, he is kind to Claudia and Frieda. He permanently brings out his inclination to the biblical readings. Make gifts of money and candy to girls. Keep magazines of naked girls. On one occasion, he improperly touched Frieda. He was expelled from the house.

The novel the bluest eye deals with the colour problem in America. SUMMERY OF Bluest eye, THEME OF Bluest eye, ANALYSIS OF Bluest eye IN HINDI & SIMPLE ENG

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