II. Write short notes on the following: 4×5=20

A. The major characteristics of modernism

Modernism is a literary and artistic movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a response to the profound societal, technological, and cultural changes of the time. It is marked by a departure from traditional norms and a willingness to experiment with new forms, styles, and themes. Some major characteristics of modernism include:

  1. Rejection of Tradition: Modernist writers and artists challenged established conventions, breaking away from traditional forms and rejecting the norms of the past. They aimed to create something new and original.
  2. Experimentation with Form and Style: Modernists often experimented with narrative structures, language, and visual elements. Stream of consciousness, fragmentation, and nonlinear timelines were used to convey the complexities of human experience.
  3. Subjectivity and Perspective: Modernist works explored the inner thoughts and emotions of characters, often delving into their psychological states. Multiple viewpoints and shifting perspectives were employed to depict a more subjective reality.
  4. Alienation and Disillusionment: Many modernist works reflected a sense of disillusionment and alienation stemming from the disruptions of industrialization, urbanization, and World War I. This was often depicted through themes of isolation and existential angst.
  5. Focus on Individuality: Modernism celebrated individualism and the uniqueness of each person’s experience. It emphasized the individual’s struggle to find meaning and identity in a rapidly changing world.
  6. Interdisciplinary Influences: Modernism drew inspiration from various disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, and science. It sought to incorporate diverse perspectives to represent the complexity of existence.
  7. Critique of Society and Institutions: Modernist works often critiqued societal norms, institutions, and authority. They questioned the stability of traditional values and exposed the dissonance between appearance and reality.
  8. Ambiguity and Open-endedness: Modernist works embraced ambiguity and often left interpretations open to the reader or viewer. The lack of clear resolutions reflected the uncertainty and complexities of modern life.
  9. Cultural Pluralism: Modernism was influenced by a global perspective, incorporating elements from different cultures and traditions. This contributed to a rich tapestry of themes and styles.
  10. Elevation of the Ordinary: Modernist artists found inspiration in everyday life and ordinary experiences, valuing the mundane as a source of artistic exploration.

Overall, modernism sought to capture the changing nature of the world, offering a fresh and often challenging perspective on human existence, society, and artistic expression. It laid the foundation for a wide range of artistic movements and continues to influence creative endeavors today.

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