6) Bronze Age Societies: Bronze Age societies emerged between 3000 BCE and 1200 BCE, characterized by the extensive use of bronze for tools, weapons, and ornaments. These societies displayed advancements in agriculture, technology, and trade. One prominent Bronze Age civilization was the Indus Valley Civilization, known for its planned cities, advanced drainage systems, and intricate seals. The Minoans on Crete also thrived, showcasing sophisticated art and maritime expertise.

Mycenaean Greece, on the other hand, exhibited warrior-based cultures. In the Middle East, the Sumerians laid the foundation for Mesopotamian civilization, while the Hittites excelled in metallurgy and warcraft. These societies often had hierarchical structures, with rulers and priests holding power. Trade networks linked these civilizations, fostering cultural exchange. The collapse of these societies around 1200 BCE is attributed to factors like invasions, climate change, and internal strife.

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