1 Classical Liberalism: Classical liberalism is a political and economic ideology that emerged during the Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries. It emphasizes individual rights, limited government intervention, free markets, and the rule of law. Central to classical liberalism is the belief in the inherent dignity and autonomy of individuals, as well as their ability to make rational choices and pursue their own happiness. This ideology champions individual liberty, religious freedom, freedom of expression, and private property rights as foundational principles of a just and prosperous society.

Classical liberals advocate for minimal government involvement in economic and social affairs, favoring laissez-faire capitalism where markets operate without excessive regulation. They believe that free competition and voluntary exchange lead to optimal economic outcomes, fostering innovation, economic growth, and personal well-being. John Locke, Adam Smith, and Thomas Jefferson are notable figures associated with classical liberalism.

However, classical liberalism has faced criticism for its potential to exacerbate inequality and neglect social safety nets. Critics argue that unregulated markets can lead to exploitation and environmental degradation. As societies have evolved, variations of liberalism have emerged, such as social liberalism, which incorporates elements of social justice and a stronger role for government in addressing inequalities and providing essential services.

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