3. Short Notes on the Following:

(a) Peripetia: Peripetia is a term used in dramatic literature, particularly in the context of tragedies, to refer to a sudden and often unexpected reversal of fortune or change in circumstances for a character or the plot as a whole. It is a pivotal moment that leads to a significant shift in the story’s direction.

Peripetia is often accompanied by a sense of irony, as the character’s situation changes dramatically from what was expected or anticipated. This literary device adds depth and complexity to the narrative, highlighting the unpredictable nature of human fate and emphasizing the tragic or dramatic aspects of the story.

(b) Sphota: Sphota is a philosophical and linguistic concept in Indian grammar and philosophy, particularly in the school of thought known as Vyākaraṇa. Coined by the ancient Indian grammarian and philosopher Bhartrihari, sphota refers to the theoretical unit of sound that carries meaning in language. It represents the idea that the meaning of a word is not derived from its individual phonetic components but rather from the holistic perception of the entire word or utterance.

Sphota suggests that the true meaning of a word is grasped in the mind as a whole, rather than by analyzing its individual syllables or phonemes. This concept has had a significant influence on the understanding of language, meaning, and communication in Indian linguistic and philosophical traditions.

(c) Class Ideology: Class ideology refers to a set of beliefs, values, and attitudes that reflect the interests and perspectives of a particular social class within a society. It encompasses the ideas and narratives that members of a specific class use to understand their position in society, their relationship to other classes, and their role in shaping social, economic, and political dynamics.

Class ideology often influences how individuals perceive issues such as wealth distribution, power structures, social mobility, and the role of the state. Different classes within a society may have contrasting ideologies that contribute to tensions and conflicts. Marxist theory, for instance, emphasizes the role of class ideology in maintaining or challenging dominant power structures.

(d) Poetic Diction: Poetic diction refers to the specific language, vocabulary, and style used by poets in their creative works. It involves the deliberate use of words and phrases to create heightened or distinctive effects that differ from ordinary, everyday language. Poets often employ poetic diction to evoke emotions, create imagery, convey complex meanings, and establish a unique tone or atmosphere in their poems.

This can include the use of metaphor, symbolism, archaic words, ornate language, and rhythmic patterns. Throughout literary history, discussions on poetic diction have explored the balance between linguistic artistry and communicative clarity, with different movements and poets advocating for varying degrees of ornateness or simplicity in poetic language.

In summary, peripetia is a dramatic reversal of fortune in literature, sphota is a concept of holistic linguistic meaning in Indian philosophy, class ideology reflects the beliefs of different social classes, and poetic diction refers to the specialized language used by poets to create artistic and emotional effects in their works.

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1 Response

  1. yashin says:

    Thnx for share.. Very best post. Ty.

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