1. (a) Libertarianism:

Libertarianism is a political philosophy that emphasizes individual liberty as its central principle. Libertarians advocate for minimal government interference in both personal and economic matters, aiming to maximize individual freedom and autonomy. The core idea is that individuals should have the right to make their own choices, as long as they do not harm others or infringe upon their rights.

In the realm of personal freedoms, libertarians champion civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and privacy. They are often strong proponents of limited government surveillance and the protection of individual rights against state intrusion. On the economic front, libertarians support laissez-faire capitalism, believing that free markets are the most efficient way to allocate resources and promote prosperity.

Libertarianism is not a monolithic ideology, and there are different branches of thought within the movement. Some libertarians lean more towards a minarchist perspective, advocating for a minimal state that provides only essential functions like law enforcement, defense, and the protection of individual rights. On the other hand, others embrace anarcho-capitalism, envisioning a society without any centralized government, where private entities and voluntary associations handle governance and public services.

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