A yerd she hadde, enclosed al aboute With stikkes, and a drye dich with-oute

This old lady was thrown-in the yerd in front of her and surrounded by a dry ditch. In the yerd he kept a cock named Chunchainilir. The comb of cancer was red in comparison to the red coral and was surrounded by air like a castle wall. Their appearance was a black beak like obsidian, blue legs and toes, white claws, and feathers that used to burn in gold color. This cock was better on the tomb than any other cock. He had a clear, strong crow that was very beautiful in the form of a pipe organ that plays in the church. He was more trustworthy than any watch, even in the church the clocks are gathered. Instinct told him about the daily movements of the sun and moon and stars, and he lived with them all at the same time, even if they only went a little bit

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1 Response

  1. 2018

    […] Previous story A yerd she hadde, enclosed al aboute With stikkes, and a drye dich with-oute […]

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