Write a detailed note on the different stages of Canadian history from the First settlers to the present age?

Having established their colonies in various locations in Newfoundland, Quebec and Montreal, both the British and the French got themselves engaged in fishery and fur trade. However, Quebec fell to the British army at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1759 and with this also fell New France forever. At the end of Seven Year’s War between England and France, New France became a British Colony and is called Quebec in 1763. The Quebec Act passed in 1774 extended Quebec’s borders and guaranteed the French language and Catholic religion. Thus, all the colonies in Canada came under the control of Great Britain and were iuled by the governors appointed by England.

The fur trade was essentially a northern enterprise. It drew the Europeans across the continent along the water routes that provided access to the most desirable fiu- baring lands. It brought Northern First Nations into regular contact with the world of European commerce and technology. It also ensured that northwest would become a British territory rather than American. Without signing treaties the European newcomers simply came to visit and decided to stay forever.

Write a detailed note on the different stages of Canadian history from the First settlers to the present age?

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