(ii) Fed on God for years All her feasts were monotonous For the only dish was always GodAnd the rest mere condiments.

In the given lines, the reference to the context explores a metaphorical depiction of someone’s deep and unwavering spiritual devotion. The phrase “Fed on God for years” signifies a long-standing and profound reliance on spiritual sustenance. The subsequent lines, “All her feasts were monotonous For the only dish was always God And the rest mere condiments,” extend this metaphor by comparing the person’s spiritual experience to a feast. The repetition of “monotonous” implies that the individual’s focus solely on God has rendered their spiritual journey unvarying and perhaps lacking in diversity.

The metaphorical portrayal likens the person’s connection to God as the main course of their life’s feast, while everything else is relegated to a secondary role akin to condiments. This suggests that the person’s entire existence revolves around their devotion to God, with all other aspects of life seeming comparatively less significant. The reference underscores the depth of the person’s faith and the centrality of their spiritual pursuit, highlighting how their intense dedication has shaped their perspective on the world around them.

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