(iii) And afterwards we climbed a tree, she said, Not very tall, but full of leaves Like those of a fig tree, And we were very innocent about it.

In this excerpt, the reference to the context presents a recollection of a shared experience involving climbing a tree. The speaker reflects on a past event where they and another person, presumably a companion or friend, climbed a tree together. The description of the tree as “not very tall, but full of leaves like those of a fig tree” conjures an image of a lush and verdant tree, likely providing ample foliage for the climbers to ascend. This image serves to emphasize the natural and serene quality of the setting.

The phrase “And we were very innocent about it” indicates a sense of nostalgia and fondness for the innocence of their actions at the time. It suggests that the act of climbing the tree held a simple and unpretentious charm, highlighting the purity of their companionship and the shared joy of engaging in such a playful activity.

Overall, the reference captures a moment of lightheartedness and connection between the speaker and their companion as they reminisce about a seemingly insignificant yet cherished memory of their past.

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