Answer the following questions in about 350 words each: 4 x 7.5 = 30

1. Justify the comment, “Be strong before people, only weep before God”, from the story ‘Mother’.

The comment, “Be strong before people, only weep before God,” from the story ‘Mother,’ reflects the complex interplay between societal expectations, personal emotions, and spirituality. This line encapsulates the idea that individuals often feel compelled to display strength and resilience in the presence of others, while seeking solace and emotional release in private moments of prayer or introspection.

In the context of the story ‘Mother,’ this comment gains significance through the character’s experiences and the societal norms of the time. The character might be facing challenges, hardships, or emotional turmoil that demand a facade of strength when interacting with society. This could be due to the fear of being perceived as vulnerable or incapable, which might lead to potential judgment or exploitation. This societal pressure to maintain a strong exterior can lead individuals to suppress their emotions, potentially causing inner conflicts and psychological distress.

On the other hand, the phrase also underscores the concept of spirituality as a source of solace and refuge. Turning to God in moments of vulnerability allows individuals to express their true emotions without fear of judgment. It acknowledges the need for a safe space to release pent-up emotions and seek comfort. The act of weeping before God symbolizes a genuine and unfiltered emotional release, unburdened by societal expectations.

In essence, the comment speaks to the duality of human existence. It acknowledges the necessity of conforming to societal norms and the need to project strength and composure in public interactions. Simultaneously, it emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability and seeking emotional catharsis in the private realm of spirituality. The comment invites readers to reflect on the complexity of human emotions and the different roles we play in various aspects of our lives.

Moreover, this sentiment can also be seen as a critique of societal norms that often discourage the open expression of emotions. It prompts readers to question the value placed on strength and stoicism and encourages deeper exploration of the relationship between authenticity, societal expectations, and personal well-being.

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