1. Pre-Vedic Religion: Pre-Vedic religion refers to the religious beliefs and practices that existed in the Indian subcontinent before the arrival of the Vedic civilization. It is a term used to describe the diverse indigenous religious traditions that predate the Vedic period, which is generally considered to have begun around 1500 BCE.

These pre-Vedic religious practices were characterized by animism, nature worship, and the veneration of various deities associated with natural elements, such as the sun, moon, earth, and rivers. The early inhabitants of the region revered spirits and deities believed to govern different aspects of life and the environment. Rituals, sacrifices, and ceremonies played essential roles in their religious expressions.

Over time, as the Vedic civilization emerged and the Vedic texts were composed, there was a synthesis of these pre-Vedic beliefs with the Vedic religious ideas, leading to the development of classical Hinduism.

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