1. Town and port administration of the Mughals: The Mughal administration of towns and ports during their reign in the Indian subcontinent (1526-1857) was well-organized and aimed at maintaining control and facilitating trade. Towns were the centers of economic and administrative activities, and their governance was crucial for revenue collection and stability.

Each town was headed by a chief officer, known as the “kotwal,” who was responsible for maintaining law and order, collecting taxes, and overseeing local affairs. The Mughals also appointed “amanat” or revenue officers to supervise tax collection and ensure that the imperial treasury received its share.

As for ports, they held significant importance due to their role in international trade. Major ports like Surat and Calicut were managed by appointed officers, and customs duties played a crucial role in revenue generation. The Mughals maintained a strong navy to protect the ports from foreign invasions and pirates.

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