4 Psychoanalytical Approach to Understanding Gender Differences:

The psychoanalytical approach, particularly as developed by Sigmund Freud and expanded upon by later theorists like Karen Horney and Nancy Chodorow, provides insights into the construction of gender differences. Freud’s theory suggested that children pass through stages of psychosexual development, including the Oedipus and Electra complexes, which influence their gender identity and roles.

  1. Oedipus Complex (Boys): According to Freud, boys experience an unconscious attraction to their mothers and view their fathers as rivals. This complex leads to the identification with the father and internalization of masculine characteristics, forming the basis of gender identity and role development.
  2. Electra Complex (Girls): Freud’s theory suggests that girls experience a similar process, with attraction to their fathers and envy of their mothers. However, this complex has been critiqued for its lack of focus on female development.
  3. Karen Horney’s Feminine Psychology: Horney criticized Freud’s theories for their male-centric view and introduced the concept of “womb envy” to counter the Oedipus complex. She emphasized the influence of societal and cultural factors on gender roles and questioned the universality of Freud’s theories.
  4. Nancy Chodorow’s Object Relations Theory: Chodorow expanded Freud’s ideas by focusing on early relationships, particularly the mother-child bond. She argued that girls’ primary attachment to their mothers contributes to a stronger sense of self and relational skills, while boys’ detachment from their mothers leads to more independent self-construal.

While the psychoanalytical approach offers insights into the psychological underpinnings of gender identity, it has been criticized for its lack of empirical support and its tendency to pathologize non-normative gender identities and roles.


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