Answer the following in about 300 words each: 4 X 7.5 = 30

1. Comment on the development of the character of Robinson Crusoe in the story.

The character development of Robinson Crusoe in Daniel Defoe’s novel “Robinson Crusoe” is a central aspect of the narrative. The novel is often considered one of the earliest examples of the English novel and is known for its exploration of themes such as survival, colonialism, and individualism. The development of Robinson Crusoe’s character can be observed through various stages of his life on the deserted island.

At the outset of the story, Crusoe is portrayed as a young and impulsive individual who defies his father’s wishes to pursue a life of adventure and sea voyages. His early decisions are marked by a desire for freedom and a yearning for exploration. However, his first voyage ends in disaster as his ship is wrecked, leading to his isolation on a remote island. This marks the beginning of Crusoe’s transformation.

During his early days of survival, Crusoe faces immense challenges in adapting to his new environment. He learns to gather food, build shelter, and navigate his solitude. This phase of the story demonstrates his resourcefulness, resilience, and capacity for problem-solving. As time passes, Crusoe’s character evolves from that of a reckless adventurer to a more prudent and practical individual, as he starts to recognize the importance of careful planning and foresight.

The introduction of Friday, a native he rescues from cannibals, marks a significant turning point in Crusoe’s development. His interactions with Friday lead to a gradual shift in his perspective on human relationships, cultural differences, and the idea of companionship. Crusoe’s role as a mentor and protector to Friday showcases his capacity for empathy and his growing awareness of the value of companionship and mutual cooperation.

As the years go by, Crusoe’s isolation and self-sufficiency also lead to moments of introspection and spiritual contemplation. His relationship with God deepens, and he grapples with questions of divine providence and his own purpose in life. This spiritual dimension adds complexity to his character, as he navigates not only the physical challenges of survival but also the inner journey of self-discovery.

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